Friday, 15 April 2016

Baking Cakes!

On the 15th of April the Year 7 & 8's where at technology Adam, Will, Tyler, Leah, Zara and Shaun got to help bake a cake. The cake was a spiced apple cake, YUM! We made it for the whole school except for the technology fellows.  
First we peeled the apples and cut them up into small squares and put them in a pot with a little water. We melted the butter (250g) and added it to the apples. We added the dry ingredients and eggs. Then we placed it in the oven and waited 40 minutes. 
After play the school and teachers came up to the multipurpose room and we dished the cake and ice cream (cookies & cream, hokey pokey and vanilla) and they loved it and gobbled it down before our eyes. DELICIOUS!!!!!!