Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Oral language

This term one of our focus learning areas is Oral Language. It is important for everyone to become good at speaking to an audience and we get to practice in front of our peers. It helps us learn the meanings of new words and how to pronounce them by listening to others. Speaking, listening, reading and writing are all related and help us to become better learners.

Our task is to speak to the class on a set day about any thing of your choice. It could be a collection of something you have at home, your favourite sport, an article from the newspaper, anything that interests you and you feel comfortable speaking to the class about for at least 5 minutes. You need to be prepared to answer any questions also. You need to give this your very best shot as we are learning to take risks and push ourselves outside of our comfort zone.

Today we had Tim and Scott on Oral language, they both brought something with them to show us and help them speak for a while. Tim brought a photo album from his trip to Canada, it was awesome to hear his stories and look at his pictures. 

Scott brought his badges to school that he has earned from Scouts, there were many different ones, even some from overseas.

Other things that people have shared with us:
Antonio brought photos from his trip to Australia .
James talked about puppies.
Vaughan shared about his sheep.
Harrison talked about his trip to NZ20 Jamboree in Fielding from 2013/2014.
And there is a lot more.

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