This term we have been involved in a writing task called Get NZ Writing, we were posted a package that had a variety of tasks in it for us to complete for our buddy school.
Our tasks were to complete a poster all about our class (some random information was needed like how many people can lick their elbow or waggle their ears), and we also had to complete postcards titled 'I am..' and were based around metaphors.
Today we received our mail from our buddy school 'Tunohopu 1' from Rotorua Intermediate. We have enjoyed reading their poems and finding out about their class. We also got some special gifts from them, two woven flax flowers and some Tibetan Prayer Flags. We have had heaps of fun learning about the history of the flags and hanging them up outside our classroom.
Thanks so much to Tunohopu 1, it's been fun!

The photos below are our posters that we sent to our buddy school.